Thursday, May 14, 2020

Public Safety And Second Amendment Rights Protection Act...

The purpose of this memo is to ask you for your continuing support for H.R.1217-Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act of 2015 (also known as the National Commission on Mass Violence Act of 2015). H.R. 1217 design is to support the second amendment rights while providing a responsible and consistent background checking process prior to purchasing of a firearm. It also prohibits the sale of firearms to those listed in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). In 2010 there were 14 million who people submitted background checks to purchase or transfer possession of a firearm resulting in 153,000 being blocked or prohibited from making a firearm purchase. Only 40% of firearm transactions occur through a licensed dealer hence an estimated 6.6 million firearm purchases’ occur through a private sale, a gun show, or the internet with no questions asked. Based upon these findings, there is a need for consistent and universal background checki ng for all firearm sales and transfers, thus aiding in reducing the number of firearms to persons that are at risk to harm themselves or others (Weinberger et al., 2015). The time is now to act for according to the Pew Research Center (2015) 85% of Americans support having private gun sales and gun shows subject to background checks. Gun Violence is a public health issue within the United States causing more than 32,000 people to die each year, which means approximately 88 deaths a day are because ofShow MoreRelatedGun Control And The Amendment Of The American Constitution851 Words   |  4 Pages The ever existing debate on whether or not American citizens should keep and exercise their right to arm and themselves against tyranny, as it says so within the Second Amendment of the Constitution. While there are those who advocate to keep their guns for safety reasons, there are American citizens who believe guns should be regulated, recorded, and controlled overall within the United States of America, to ensure that certain tragedies, such as school shootings and robberies, do notRead MoreFood Safety Modernization Act ( Fsma ) Into Law1370 Words   |  6 Pagessick (approximately 48 million people), 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die each year from foodborne diseases† ( According to the FDA this is a significant public health concern which can be preventable ( This was the main reason why on January 4th, 2011, President Obama signed the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) into law. Some specific examples and major events that might have le d to signing the FSMA into a law are major outbreaks that have happened in the past few yearsRead MoreAmerica s Relationship With Guns Essay1421 Words   |  6 PagesRevolutionary War and the American Indian War, it was established with the enactment of the American Constitution that â€Å"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed†, also known as the Second Amendment. (Constitution) Nevertheless, just as guns were common in Colonial America, so were its limitations. For example, Native Americans, as well as Slaves, were banned by law to acquire and possess guns.Read MoreShould Gun Control Laws Be Banned? The United States Of America?1605 Words   |  7 Pagesis an act to impose stronger and more concrete gun laws, while allowing anyone with ideal safety to obtain guns Be it enacted by the 9th grade Senate of Wayzata High School Guns must not be banned in the United States of America, but it is imperative that stricter gun control laws are put into place. Currently, there are many flaws in gun safety that need to be amended rather than banning guns altogether. These reasons include situations where guns can be used effectively for home protection, gunsRead MoreThe Amendment Rights Must Be The Most Controversial Section Of The Constitution2593 Words   |  11 PagesSecond Amendment rights must be the most controversial section of the Constitution, it most definitely has to be the most challenged. Lawsuits have been brought up against the Second Amendment for many years, challenging whether or not it should still be a part of the Constitution, and the meaning behind the verbiage used. The anti-gun crowd has attempted multiple times to prove the Second Amendment should apply only to a militia and that the average citizen has no right to own a firearm. The NationalRead MoreGun Control And Gun Rights Essay1888 W ords   |  8 Pagesdiscrimination, racism, gun control and gun rights. Guns have been a hotly debated topic for decades now. There are many different reasons for why it is such a prevalent issue such as, safety, constitutional rights, self defense, mental health, and many more. The two sides of gun control and gun rights see the social issue differently. One side views guns as a safety hazard that needs to be fixed, and the pro gun side view that guns are a Constitutional right that should not be infringed. No matterRead MoreThe Problem With Gun Ownership1862 Words   |  8 Pagesto combat the present evil of society, such are; Smart guns, physical and mental evaluations, and an ample amount of time to process thorough background checks. Guns are essential to have in America because guns allow for protection, hunting game, and individuals have the right to bear arms. â€Å"Gun ownership rates differ by region, age, race, ethnicity, and other demographics† (Why Own a Gun?). Guns should be allowed, without them, people are left vulnerable and defenseless. We live in a time whereRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment Essay1386 Words   |  6 PagesThe second amendment has always been deeply rooted in the American culture and constitution. The amendment states A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Being able to protect ourselves, gives us Americans a peace of mind, but now-a-days people are thinking otherwise. Being able to access a firearm so easily without a thorough deep background/mental health check is un-nerving. In the last twoRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control1474 Words   |  6 Pag eslocation. Although increasing gun control is used for the protection of citizens, it could be deemed unnecessary to many because it simply doesnt work, there are too many unreasonable laws, and is unconstitutional. Instead we should learn from other countries across the world. The start of gun control can be debated as to when it officially started. Some say it started when evidence about President John F. Kennedy’s assassination increased public awareness to the lack of control over the sale and possessionRead MoreGun Control And Gun Regulation1867 Words   |  8 Pagesfor gun right believe the ability to own a gun gives people protection. Advocates for gun restriction believe guns are weapons and would do more harm than good. In the past years, the deathly incidents involving guns have significantly increased. Shooting in Orlando and the shooting in Dallas are one of the most memorable events that has happened over the past six months. Often it is done not only by mundane individuals who nobody would imagine are capable of undertaking such dangerous act, but also

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